Author name: admin

Machine Learning

How has Machine Learning Reshaped the Marketing Landscape?

Marketing is a multi-dimensional endeavor where there is no set path to tread upon and find your destination. There indeed is no set destination as well because the pursuit of success in any field, including marketing, is a journey. To improve shopper’s buying experiences, retailers in 2019 invested a whopping $5.9B on AI-based marketing and …

How has Machine Learning Reshaped the Marketing Landscape? Read More »

5 Strategies for Effective Customer Acquisition for Telemarketers

5 Strategies for Effective Customer Acquisition for Telemarketers

The importance of effective communication can be gauzed form Benjamin Disraeli’s quote: “With words we govern men.” In today’s business landscape, telemarketing is one of the most substantial modes of communication. Marketing goods or services over a phone call can be daunting, especially if you presumed it to be a piece of cake, only to …

5 Strategies for Effective Customer Acquisition for Telemarketers Read More »

technology trends that will reshape the business landscape in 2020

7 Technology Trends that will reshape the Business Landscape in 2020

Mostly in the second half every year, research and publication giants in the technology world unveil a list of technology trends that will have a positive impact on businesses if incorporated. Enterprises must refer such listings to understand what does the future has in store for their business, investing in which technology or changing which …

7 Technology Trends that will reshape the Business Landscape in 2020 Read More »

7 Marketing Strategies

7 Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Small Business in 2020

“If my product is excellent, people (market) will automatically buy it.” A small business leader who harbors this perception is doomed to destruction! Without showcasing your product or service, your excellence will be in a state of perennial oblivion, without ever getting the opportunity to brighten. People only buy what they see. Your competitors will …

7 Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Small Business in 2020 Read More »

direct marketing

7 Deadly Sins of Direct Marketing Impeding Your Success

There are several ways in which companies, large or small, advertise. From the inexpensive and simple ones like a phone book ad, merchandise with company’s logo, and signboards, there are also the high profile ones like newspaper ads, television or radio commercials. Inconsistency and the negligence to measure the impact of an advertisement lead to …

7 Deadly Sins of Direct Marketing Impeding Your Success Read More »

email automation

5 Email Automation Tips for the Success of Your Lead Nurturing Campaign

About 49% of companies and 55% of B2B businesses are currently using marketing automation. Studies show that the demand for automation software, at an impressive rate, has grown significantly in the past few years. From visitors to leads, then to buyers, and then promoters, your sales funnel takes time and effort to be created and …

5 Email Automation Tips for the Success of Your Lead Nurturing Campaign Read More »

Email Marketing Best Practices for 2019

Email Marketing Best Practices for 2019: 6 Tips to Generate Quality Email Leads

Email marketing is the most engaging and effective lead generating marketing channel. Thousands of businesses across various industries are leveraging emails to connect with their audience, send promotional content, engage, and build strong customer relationships. If your company or business is planning to start their email marketing campaign this year, then we have a list …

Email Marketing Best Practices for 2019: 6 Tips to Generate Quality Email Leads Read More »